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Im soo sorry for what i did

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:39 am
by littleasian78
The person who banned me: Bondsmatthew
Reason: for griefing wool in spawn
Reason for unbanning: Im really sorry for what i did i went into panic mode for i was getting killed by danecookmaxhawk. I accidently use flint and steel instead of throwing a poision potion i am really sorry bonds. i am truly no lying about that incedent. Please Please unbann me if u do i promise to never ever grief online please i am truly sincere about this. I know this probably sounds very chesy but i am really sorry bondmatthew i was really in a panic. please be truly truthful and i will accept what u throw at me. Please i will say again i really think i desearve a second chance.

Re: Im soo sorry for what i did

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:48 am
by bondsmatthew
Ok, you seem nice enough, I'll unban you. But I'm warning you, and any other people reading this; If you use flint and steel in spawn, you WILL be banned. So, don't do it.