My /home was changed

My /home was changed

by ShishirG » Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:16 am

Hello, I've had this problem TWICE now.
Just RANDOMLY my /home is changed to the same place it was the previous time, the last time i told a moderator to teleport me to my friend who was near me. Now hes not on.
I had set a waypoint on zei's minimap, so just to try i asked one of the mods if it was ok to fly for a bit so i can try to find my home... its in the middle of the ocean... I can't find my home, why is this happening? It's always at the same place too, i'm also about to die bcz lack of food so... im so confused, i've logged out for now. What should I do?
Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:46 am

Re: My /home was changed

by kenny0011 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:23 am

Um.. Last time summit like his happened.. There was a major problem...

I dunno... Does /fixhome still work? That Shuld be your first thing ^.^

If that doesn't work, it could be a fault in your house. If your /home ain't working, it means zergs probs been messing with the plugin. Check that you didn't do /sethome on a half slab.

Also when you get back, make sure you actually did /sethome . Trust me, I made that mistake before lol.

Now as for getting back, I'd suggest doing /home then /kill. This means that you will get full health and hunger back. :3

You can also use [url][/url] to guide your way back :3

If none of that works... Mug Zerg to see if there's a problem. Last time this happened everyone lost their /home.
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Re: My /home was changed

by ShishirG » Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:41 pm

hey thanks for all the help, but none of that worked. I used the kill and home and it did save my items :D thanks.
Is it possible the admins can look into my friends (Physcowar) coordinates of where he is and just put me there too?
Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:46 am

Re: My /home was changed

by tomvanberkel » Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:14 pm

Problem solved :)

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