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Kreatious 2013 Fest?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:32 pm
by shawjun628
I was thinking about having a big celebration and fun fest for all the players who have played on Kreatious. We should have a big celebration during the new year where certain players are awarded a prize for a milestone or achievement. For example the person with top amount of votes gets a prize. Next I was thinking about the server hosting lots of competitions and fun stuff to do. examples would be spleef, parkour and any suggestions would be helpful on what else :D . Lets say after all this fun and games awards are given and prizes given out to players. I will see if I can get approval. If such a thing can happen I will see what there is needed to plan, prepare and get the word out. :) I hope this works because it would be an awesome thing for the server to do.
have a nice day!