Common FAQ's about kreatious

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Common FAQ's about kreatious

by maxmmm1501 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:11 am

Common FAQ's about kreatious.

Index of contained information:
Protecting chests
Trade Chests
Web Trade
(will add more soon such as clans, forums, etc.)


How do I vote?
You can vote on 3 voting sites for kreatious Minecraft server list Planet Minecraft and Minestatus.

What do I get for voting?
Each time you vote you get 2 voter commands and colored brackets
Examples of colored brackets:
Blue = First time voting: [G][Donor@maxmmm1501]

Green = Votes often: [G][[Donor@maxmmm1501]]

Yellow = In top ten voters last month: [G][[Donor@maxmmm1501]]

All the voter commands are bolded in the /help menu, and listed first.
List of voter commands:
/revert - Mini rollback
/wave - Freaky portal wave effect!
/trip - Woah, freaky trip! XD
/fountain - Snowball fountain?
/stormsong - Plays the song of storms
/market - Plays the Hyrule Market Theme
/flashbang - Throws a flashbang on the ground
/smokebomb - Smoke!!
/ioncannon - Orbital Bombardment!!
/meteorstorm - Pew pew pew! Meteors!
/sparkle - Sparkle sparkle.
/piggyback - Piggyback ride!!
/playdead - Pretend to die
/credits - Display the credits screen!
/glitter - Makes lots of glitter!
/glitterrain - Makes lots of glitter! FROM THE SKY!
/followsnow - An NPC crouches and follows a user while throwing snowballs.
/rope - Create a rope out of your items.
/sit - Allows you to appear to sit.
Need to get the rest added :/


These are the ranks of players on kreatious
Do NOT ask to be promoted to a rank, doing so will greatly lessen your chances to become that rank.
Default - They are new to kreatious and hasn’t met the requirements for any other rank

Resident - They have played on kreatious for 30 hours without bans (or 60 with bans) and have a forum account.
Donor - They have donated at least $5 to kreatious in the last month.
Donors get access to donor chat (/ch d) which allows swearing etc. and each time they donate they get unlimited use of a certain random voter command.

Citizen - They have been around the server for 52 weeks of play and have at least 300 hours

Veteran - They have been around for a while and been very helpful to other players.
*How the vote for Veterancy works
-Zerg takes forty players who are active and have voted (Hours played since last vote & how many votes in a month).
-This list is given to Veterans, and Moderators.
-They shorten the list to ten.
This "Short List" is given to the Community.
-Depending on how close the tie is, 1 - 3 players can become Veteran.

Veteran Donor - You are a veteran that has donated

Promoter - They have a YouTube channel and produce at least one video per week and have it get 400+ views within a week, OR for livestreaming (twitch etc.) Stream at least twice a week for a total of 4 hours and a minimum of 30 minutes per stream. And 20,000 Viewer Minutes since starting to stream kreatious.
Promoters can teleport
There has only ever been one promoter in the history of kreatious, UpMax, But if you work hard you can become one .

Chat Moderator - They have been chosen by zerg to moderate chat, they can kick and ban players for swearing etc. Normally you have to be a Veteran to be promoted to this, but not always

Moderator - They have promoted by zerg from CMod to full mod, Full mods can tp, roll back greif, and ban players for greif etc.

Administrator - The only administrator for kreatious is zerg, he coded all of the servers plugins and keeps the server up and working.


Anti greif on kreatious is automatic, you just build or break blocks and the land is automatically claimed. Just make sure you build enough, if it's only a few blocks of cobble it won't get protected.
If someone has badly greifed you, you can get a mod to revert it. If it's only a few blocks (excluding valuable materials diamond blocks, gold blocks etc.) don’t bother a mod and fix it yourself.

Halp! someone's greifing right in front of me!!

-If someone is griefing you and your close by, they will be allowed to continue because Eve (what we call the anti-grief plugin) thinks they are helping you. If they are NOT helping you, you should type /notok which sets you as afk and stops them from greifing.

How do I let someone build with me?

-If you want them to have permanent access to build near a certain creation of yours, you can type /allow <Username> , If you want them to have temporary access to everything you have claims in type /hire <Username>, the hire will expire if the you or the other person teleports away, or you type /hire <TheirUsername> again. They can unhire themselves with /unhire.

Oh No! My friend forgot to allow me and now I can't build!

-You'll have to have a pretty convincing story for a mod to override their permissions and allow you there.
Help! I thought this person was my friend but now they are ruining everything!

-A mod can revert it, but be very careful of who you allow.

Protecting chests

To protect a chest simply open it with a sign in your hand and the sign will pop onto the chest and say
chests transfer the protection to all connected blocks, punch a chest or item to see if it is protected. If it is it will say: This block can be used by: <names> If it isnt it will say This block is not protected.
If you try to protect a chest and the sign says Neytiri :D, then the block is already protected.
List of blocks that can be privated:
Trapped chest
Brewing stand

To add more players to the chest right click the private sign and type /lock <line#> <Username>
To add even more Shift+click a sign onto a connected chest and type [More Users] on the first line. Then add the other people to that chest with /lock <line#> <Username>.

Trade Chests

How to USE the chests

Basically all you do is right-click (or place block) on the trade sign with the payment (second line) in your hand.

If you get the message: Items exchanged, They might be invisible. Then the trade was successful, If you don't see the items, just click in the first empty space in your inventory and they will appear.

If you get the message: This chest does not contain <#> <Item>. Then, its out of stock you cant trade, I'd suggest using /msg or /mail to notify the seller.

If you get the message: You do not have <#> <Item>. Then you don't have the payment, and you cant buy.

If you get the message: The chest is full. Then the seller overstocked, I'd suggest using /msg or /mail to notify them.

If you get the message: There's not enough room in your inventory. Then, you need to empty your inventory some so you can trade.

How to MAKE the chests

Step 1: Private the chest. Do this by right-clicking it with a sign.

Step 2: Shift+click (or sneak+click if you've changed controls) a sign on the chest

Step 3: Type like this:
Line 1: [Trade]
Line 2: <#> <Item> *This is the price*
Line 3: Doesn't matter what you put
Line 4: <#> <Item> *Item Sold*

Do not put in the "<>" or "*...*"

Step 4: If you did it correctly, then your good

Common mistakes
1. shows in chat: You need to protect the chest first
Fix: Private the chest. All chests need a private sign on them, even if they're already private from another chest. Do this by clicking Shift and placing the sign then typing [Private] <name>

2. Shows in chat: 2nd or 4th line invalid. And the [Trade] changes to [?]
Fix: /lookup <Item that's invalid> you'll get a list of tradeable items. (Sometimes you have to use the item id instead.) See here for those:

3. The sign goes onto the chest and says [Too Many]
Fix: don't click the chest, place it in front of the chest

Web Trade

(Got this from Bunneh's post, giving credit where its deserved :))
Video explaining it:

For those of you who cant watch the video here are the text instructions.
1. Make your Chest. You can simply make any type of chest for this to work. Single, Double, even multiple.
2. Add a sign to it. Just hold down sneak(DEFAULT: Shift) and right-click a chest at the same time. Then in the sign kreatious for the first sign just put a [Web Trade]
3. Put your Diamonds in the chest. These diamonds will act as a currency for purchasing all of the items on the store.
4. Put in items you wish to sell. Just drop in the items that you plan on selling for Diamond on the Web Store.
5. Go to the Shops on the forums. This will be located above your name on the forums.
6. Click on Yourself There is a list of all the players who own a Web Trade chest.
7. Set Price and Per The price is the amount of diamonds that are required to purchase the per of the items. If you were to set the per as 128 and price as 2. You would be selling 128 of this item for 2 diamonds.

Thats it for selling items.
1. Click on someones name from the Shops section.
2. Click buy on an item. Remember to put diamonds in to buy it with.


How can I teleport to other people?

-You can only teleport to players that have less than 1 hour of play on the server. You can do this by typing /tp <username>, If you get the error "Username doesn't want to get teleported to" Then they have done /notp because they don’t want people teleporting to them. If you want a new player to tp to you you have to type /s <username> then the new player has to type /tp <personthatsummonedthem>.

How do I set my home or use the mining world?

-To set your home type /sethome to get back to your home type /home. To go to the mining world type /mine. Dont build in the mining world, it deletes and regens every other month or so.

Where else can I teleport to?

-You can teleport to /oc (the old spawn) /nc (the new spawn) and /pp (Pandora spawn) /spawn also takes you to /nc.

Are there warps on kreatious?

-Yes there are, they are called waypoints. To teleport to a waypoint you first have to walk to the waypoint to activate it. Do this by right clicking the waypoint sign. Waypoint signs look like this:

Right click
To Activate

Only zerg and Icefang can create waypoints. See Here for the requirements of a waypoint.

After you activate a waypoint you can teleport there by typing /wp <waypoint>
type just /wp to see a list of your waypoints.


Chat rules: Don’t swear in the global channel, don’t be mean to other players, don’t post links to bad sites, if you think its bad don’t do it.
About chat, there are different channels to talk in, join a channel by typing /ch <channel> and /lch <channel> to leave a channel. /chlist <channel> tells you who is in that channel.
You can be in multiple channels and see text from all of them, but the one you joined most recently is the one you will talk in. Use /me <text> to talk in global without switching channels. (this is why a lot of Donor+ talk in /me, because they are talking in donor instead)
List of channels: <text after it is in the color of text in the channel>
Global [G] Default channel (no swearing here)
Local [L] You see chat for people within 1000 blocks of you (No swearing here either)
Chat [C] Just a channel for chatting
Chat1-Chat9 [C1]-[C9] More channels for chatting
Donor [D] Chat for Donor+ ranks
Question - Question3 [Q]-[Q3] Where a moderator questions you about greif, while in question you cannot break blocks.
Staff [S] Channel for Pmt+
Moderator [M] Channel for CMod+


On kreatious pvp is optional, you can toggle it on and off with /pvp If you have pvp on other players can kill you if they have pvp on also. If you pvp at /nc /oc or /pp you wont loose your items or xp when you die.
Traps that kill other players are strictly prohibited and can result in a ban, killing them with pvp off (pouring lava, using flint and steel, etc) will also result in a ban.


Teamspeak is a way for people to talk to each other while playing games, kreatious' teamkspeak ip is You need to have a security level of 27 to join, security levels aren't hard to get, just go to Settings->Identities->Security level and click improve. While on teamspeak you must either have your name be your IGN or have it in your description. You can download teamspeak Here.
Last edited by maxmmm1501 on Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:50 am, edited 7 times in total.
Joined: Sat May 11, 2013 8:11 pm
Location: Nebraska

Re: Common FAQ's about kreatious

by FPSrusher » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:59 am

Few things you need to fix apart from add the other donor commands

>ctzn rank
>forgot to mention you have to private the chest before adding the web-trade sign
>you should probably add a note that you cannot go to /mine until you have /sethome
>there is more than 1 [Q] channel, I think 3? Not important however…
>forgot to SPOILER the PvP section its showing under chat atm
>you need to make the ‘here’ link on the teamspeak part work
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Veteran Donor
Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:30 am
Location: Reactor 4, Chernobyl, Ukraine

Re: Common FAQ's about kreatious

by maxmmm1501 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:11 pm

+Added ctzn :S cant believe i forgot that
+You dont have to private a chest before adding a web trade sign, they act as private signs
+Added more info on /mine. Are you sure you have to sethome first since now its based on where you are standing not where your home is?
+Added Q1-3 didnt think that was necessary when I made this.
+Fixed PvP section
+Fixed Link
Joined: Sat May 11, 2013 8:11 pm
Location: Nebraska

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